Biopsy Foreps | Aligator Forceps, | Rat -Toothed Forceps -->Reusable
1,0mm, 3 Fr./CH.,120 cm, flexible, narrowing distal shaft, 3-finger grip, reusable.
If you have further needs for endo-urological products, please ask us!
The extremely flexible end piece remains functional even under strong bends and even with a slight knot and a 720 degree wrap. Guarantee for 10 patients...if treated correctly according to the manufacturer's instructions!
This means an unrivaled economic advantage for you. . These biopsy forceps come with extended spoons for optimized tissue volume.
Bentec Endoscopy GmbHHinteres Öschle 6D-78604 Rietheim WeilheimGermany
1,0mm, 3 Fr/CH, NL120cm, flexible, narrowing distal shaft, 3-finger grip, reusable.
1,4mm, 4 Fr/CH, NL060cm, flexible, narrowing distal shaft, 3-finger grip, reusable.
In today's fast-paced and constantly changing market, modern enterprises confront a variety of difficulties.
EuroMedical GmbH83313 Siegsdorf, Ligusterweg2
GermanyContact form